Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) is a course designed to teach healthcare professionals who either direct or participate in the management of respiratory and/or other cardiovascular emergencies and CPR in pediatric patients (ex. physicians, nurses, paramedics). It is a video- based, instructor- led, advanced course that focuses on a systematic approach to pediatric assessment, BLS, effective resuscitation and team dynamics to improve quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured children.
After successful completion of this course, students will be able to practise and demonstrate proficiency in the following skills used in resuscitation:
- Perform high-quality CPR
- Differentiate between patients who do and do not require immediate intervention
- Recognize cardiopulmonary arrest early and begin CPR within 10 seconds of recognition
- Apply team dynamics
- Differentiate between respiratory distress and failure
- Perform early interventions for respiratory distress and failure
- Differentiate between compensated and decompensated (hypotensive) shock
- Perform early interventions for the treatment of shock
- Differentiate between unstable and stable patients with arrhythmias
- Describe clinical characteristics of instability in patients with arrhythmias
- Implement post–cardiac arrest management
NOTE : The PALS provider certification is valid for 24 months according to Canadian Heart and Stroke regulations and will need re-certification after that period.